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Get children used to reading
Get children used to reading۔
The first five to seven years of life are extremely important. This is the part of life during which habits and moods are formed. In the early years the child will have the same environment, in the future he will look the same. Given this importance, efforts should be made to keep children of this age engaged in as many good and useful activities as possible. It is said that a book is a person's best friend, so in the early life of a child, if it is provided with the best friend, it leads to the best results going forward.
If children are given books in their hands at an early age, they are attracted to reading and become interested in books. This is not just an assumption but an experience. Mothers who instruct their children with books have a much better ability to learn their children's language than other children.
Children who are interested in reading are creative and tend to be innovative rather than poor. From the age of five months, the baby usually starts to sit up. At this age, if the child is introduced to the book, then the results are good in that respect, then the interest in the book becomes part of the child's mood.
The Benefits of Book Friendship
Many people consider reading to be just a hobby. But after several research studies, it has been found that people with study habits are two and a half times less likely to develop Alzheimer's (mental illness) than those who do not study. Educationist NE Cunningham wrote in his research study that people who read books regularly not only learn something new every day but also their quality of knowledge and intelligence is higher than other people.
Researcher Crystal Russell writes in her research paper that reading relieves your stress and ignites your ability to make decisions. Reading a good book increases your vocabulary and improves your thinking skills. According to a study, reading fiction books helps a lot in understanding the psychology of others and you can easily gauge the feelings and emotions of your audience.
The importance of children and reading
* 15 minutes of reading a day can add more than a million words to a child's vocabulary annually.
* IQ level of children studying face to face is 6 points higher than other children.
* Children who do not receive a basic education are three to four times more likely to drop out of school than children who are studying.
* According to a US Department of Education survey, children who study have higher levels of confidence, memory and leadership skills.
Now the question arises how to cultivate the habit of book-friendliness in children? According to experts, by following the following methods, you can instill the habit of book-friendliness in your children.
Build a library at home
Although small, try to build a library at home as it helps to make children interested in reading. Research has shown that there is a strong link between the number of books in the home and the overall academic ability of children.
Be an example yourself
The best way to cultivate a love of reading in children is to read books yourself. Sit down and read books where your children can see you. If your children think that reading is something they do not do, they may move away from books when they grow up. Therefore, it is important for adults to make themselves a role model for children.
Tell stories from books
There are great benefits to making reading a group activity. In this way, children not only learn to love books, but also do so by sitting down with the people they love. In addition, if the book is read aloud in the group, the children also learn the correct pronunciation of the words and this also improves their reading fluency. When they get a little older, ask them to read you books and in doing so, if they make a mistake in pronunciation, correct them patiently instead of scolding them.
Encourage questions
Whenever you go out and your child asks you questions about things, keep notes of what you learned from the process. The easiest way to answer this question is to read it yourself, but the most effective way to teach children to love books is to buy an authoritative and common sense book on the subject and give it to the children. Go and ask them to read it aloud and find the answer to the question.
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