Anyone who is or has been associated with the field of teaching and learning must have had a hard time with such students. Every teacher has to deal with children who have been difficult to teach, so each teacher may have a different story to tell. That such and such a child did not respond to them properly or such and such a child was laughing at their words or was not following their instructions properly. So it depends on how you teach and if your student is not following you, why. Because it is not easy to change someone's behavior. And I'm honored to know how to handle difficult children and how to deal with situations. And it's an honor for some reason because those reasons made me a good teacher and I can share some useful information from my own experiences on how to handle difficult children. Focus on one thing If a child has ever been rude to his teachers in the past, it is not necessary that he be the same now. And even if he has been rude, there are many reasons for this, the most important of which is the lack of proper counseling. When starting work at school, build better professional relationships with all of your colleagues and talk to them about children in all classes. And then go to different classes with other teachers and ask different kinds of questions to the children. And when asking questions, consider which children are disciplined, who are good at reading, and who live together. Who bothers whom and who stays ahead in all activities. And it's not uncommon for a teacher to tell you that a child is a difficult child. Do a sting with difficult children once a week. Talk to them openly, understand and understand their problems. Because one of the reasons children are naughty is because their former teachers have given them the environment to do so. Such children need to be taught that they are not naughty, treat them with love and tell them how they should treat their adults. Be a mentor and guide It is sometimes very difficult to teach children who have gone through a variety of situations, such as children who are neglected by their parents, unavailability of resources, and sometimes domestic violence, if the child behaves inappropriately. Be beaten at home. Make yourself a mentor and guide for such children as such children are in dire need of counseling as their background is very difficult and it is very difficult to deal with such children as children who are neglected especially in their own homes. They are in need of special attention. Treat such children with great compassion, listen to their problems as personal problems and try to solve them. To be a good parent, it is important that you have a positive attitude and that your child can trust you completely. Strengthen the relationship If you have the potential to be a good parent, then the second step is to build a strong relationship with the children. Children who have had various problems from the beginning need good counseling. Treat such children with kindness and compassion and give them individual attention and listen to their problems attentively, understand their feelings and strengthen your relationship with them. Talk to them about their future, what they want to do in life, what field they want to go into. If they do not behave well in class, they need even more counseling. Build a relationship with them that makes them trust you. Take their issues personally Whenever a child is having trouble in class, handle it in a proper way and do not scold him in front of everyone or do anything else but take them separately and explain to them so that you can handle such difficult children. It will be very easy to do. If a child fights with someone or does something during break time, explain to him that you are not happy with his behavior and instead of scolding him, explain it with love because children understand the language of love anyway. You can expect anything All sorts of kids come to school, some naughty, some very naughty and come from different kinds of environments, so anything can be expected from any kind of child. But if you handle these children with all these tips in mind, you will definitely succeed.
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Saturday, May 16, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Do you want to improve your memory.
Do you want to improve your memory. Very informative video. You must watch this video. In this video, you will also be taken to a wonderful place. In my blog, you will continue to find similar informational videos. Keep visiting my blog and keep up to date. Welcome۔
Be good to children first۔
Every society has an ideology and the building is built on it. This is the basis of its identity. The values and culture of the society reflect its ideology. If we are negligent from the very beginning, then on such a basis. A building cannot last long. It is the negligence and carelessness that causes the deterioration of society. Today, the home, the family, the educational institutions, the media, our national priorities and ideologies are being pushed aside. Have to go back
The question is, what are the factors that are changing our civilization, how can they be prevented, and what is our role as women in fostering a society? In fact, much of the change in our values is due to the enforcement and enforcement of laws.
In fact, our laws are not being followed. The country also has a number of laws pertaining to women. If we make our women aware of this, they can do a lot. If they only make the people around them aware and raise their voice for it by making them aware of the laws, many positive changes can take place.
The home environment has a profound effect on a child's personality. The school provides basic education to the children. Earlier, children aged four years and above were admitted to the school, but now mothers are ready to enroll their two-year-old children.
However, this is the best time when mother's lap, grandmother's affection and sibling's love is the greatest school, for which there is no substitute. So institutions are later, start from your home first. Pay attention to each action. Children learn ethics at home. Good and evil have existed in every age where children are taught and taught good and positive things. There, goodness and positive thinking prevail in society.
When mothers themselves are not aware of good things and positive attitudes, what will they introduce to their children? So today the situation is that evils are scattered everywhere in the society. The family is being affected and the joint family system is breaking down.
The woman who compromised for the sake of her home, worked with patience and endurance and made sacrifices, but the society that upheld the high values of life did not respect her and did not appreciate her sincere efforts and sacrifices.
Then this woman did not pass on these values to her daughter and the new generation. So those values became the characters of myths and dreams. The result was that materialism violated our moral values badly. Only in society. Not only the mother-child relationship is a priority but also the father and other close relationships play an important role in shaping the child's personality. The family system is still somewhat effective in our middle class and good values are still seen there today. To say that the whole society is heading for disaster is not correct.
Today's youth are greatly affected by the circumstances around them. Parents, especially mothers, guide their children. Therefore, they must first set an example for themselves. Remember that in today's world, parents need to do a good job of educating their children in a very disciplined manner. For this, they should plan regularly. Communication plays a very important role.
There is no doubt that society is changing rapidly, materialism is increasing and necessities are increasing. Our religion has placed great emphasis on respecting the elders, speaking the truth in all circumstances, and loving the younger ones.
Only when the parents themselves follow these points will the children follow them. Halal sustenance is very helpful in the training of children. We must trust children and tell them the difference between good and bad. Only by following all these things can we prove ourselves as good parents and build a good and evil free society.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Respect Mother, Serve Mother
Mother is mother, not your housemaid. Respect mother. Serve mother. Learn more in this video. Be sure to watch this video and share it with your friends. You can find similar informational video on my blog. Will meet. You are requested to comment. Welcome
Numerous benefits of melon
A delicious and refreshing summer fruit melon is not only essential for human development, but also a powerful shield against various diseases. This fruit is a combination of up to 95% different vitamins and minerals. Melons contain vitamins A, B, and C, as well as proteins such as phosphorus and calcium. One melon contains 15 mg of calcium, 25 mg of phosphorus, 0.5 mg of iron, 34 mg of vitamin C, 640 mg of vitamin A, and 0.03 mg of vitamin B1. Here are some of the six key benefits. Elimination of gastric acid: Melon is high in water and very beneficial to the digestive system. The minerals in it help eliminate the acidity of the stomach. Cancer treatment: A protein called melon's carotenoid is a natural anti-cancer drug that significantly reduces the risk of lung cancer. Melons only kill those cancer species, which can later become a powerful attack on the human body. Prevent Heart Attacks: A special component of melon (adenosine) does not clot blood cells. Melons help maintain normal blood circulation in the body and greatly reduce the chances of illness such as heart attack and stroke. Quick Health: Melons are excellent foods for maintaining and improving quick health. Melon protein not only makes the skin beautiful and soft, but also protects against skin diseases. Useful for kidney disease: The use of melon cleanses the kidneys and also removes the density accumulated in the kidneys. Also, melon can be used in combination with lemon to relieve pain like uric acid. Heartburn: Containing 90% water, this fruit is also a heartburn elixir.
Translation Japanese language.
美味しく爽やかな夏のフルーツメロンは、人体の発達に欠かせないだけでなく、さまざまな病気に対する強力な盾でもあります。この果物は、最大95%の異なるビタミンとミネラルの組み合わせです。メロンには、ビタミンA、B、Cのほか、リンやカルシウムなどのタンパク質が含まれています。 1つのメロンには、カルシウム15 mg、リン25 mg、鉄0.5 mg、ビタミンC 34 mg、ビタミンA 640 mg、ビタミンB1 0.03 mgが含まれています。ここでは、その6つの主な利点についてお知らせします。胃酸の排除:メロンは水分を多く含んでおり、消化器系にとって非常に有益です。その中のミネラルは、胃の酸性度を排除するのに役立ちます。癌治療:メロンのカロテノイドと呼ばれるタンパク質は、天然の抗癌剤であり、肺癌のリスクを大幅に減らします。メロンはそれらのガンの種だけを殺しますが、それは後に人体への強力な攻撃となる可能性があります。心臓発作を防ぐ:メロン(アデノシン)の特別な成分は血球を凝固させません。メロンは体の血液循環を正常に保ち、心臓発作や脳卒中などの病気の可能性を大幅に減らします。クイックヘルス:メロンは、クイックヘルスを維持および改善するための優れた食品です。メロンのタンパク質は、肌を美しく柔らかくするだけでなく、皮膚病からも守ります。腎臓病に有用:メロンの使用は腎臓を浄化し、腎臓に蓄積された密度も取り除きます。また、メロンをレモンと組み合わせて使用すると、尿酸のような痛みも和らげます。胸焼け:90%の水分を含むこの果物は、胸焼けのエリキシルでもあります。
Monday, May 11, 2020
Benefits of pottery
As man progressed, he moved away from natural objects and methods. That is why there has been an increase in new diseases. Diseases that did not even have a name or sign can be seen and heard nowadays. Who does not want to live a healthy life which is called turmeric life in English. That is why in this modern age, use natural products as much as possible, especially in the use of food and drink. One of their precautions is to cook in earthenware because if you are very sensitive about your health then you will definitely value the utensils in which you cook. Keep this in mind when buying beautiful utensils. Keep in mind that they are not harmful to health as some metals contain dishes which react with the vitamins present in the food which are absorbed into the food due to the formation of food in high heat and it is harmful to it. Similarly, non-stick pans, which are common and expensive in the market today, are not good for health. Once the layer is removed, they become useless and cooking in them is harmful, whereas compared to them, very beautiful earthenware pots are available in the market at reasonable prices, in which cooking is also in fashion these days. Cooking in a pressure cooker causes stomach and gastrointestinal diseases because such food is made under high pressure at high heat, while cooking in a clay pot is not only nutritious but also cooked in a low heat. All the nutrients and vitamins present remain intact. Pottery has the property of retaining heat for a longer period of time so that the food does not need to be heated frequently and also does not need to add extra oil as the food is cooked over a low heat. The cause ripens in its juices and does not dry out. All kinds of food are easily made in a clay pot. There are a few things to keep in mind when buying pottery, one is to make sure that the layer on top of them is not made of lead, which is harmful and because it is cheap, potters often use it. Take it out of place. Secondly, it is common to hear that pottery does not crack or break, so keep an eye on these things. First wash them well and boil the milk in it over low heat. Use a cloth or sponge when washing, avoid scratching. Never soak an earthenware vessel in water overnight. Never put an empty pot on the fire. Be sure to put oil or ghee in it and then put it on the stove. When cooking in a clay pot, keep the heat low. Let it reach the bottom of the pot. When food is ready in it, do not immediately place it in a cool place or in a place where there is water, but its Wait for it to cool down a bit.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
How to handle crises management.
How to handle crises management.
* Put potatoes in boiling water will soften 🥔, put eggs in the same water will be harder 🥚. Whatever the external conditions. Your inner strength is necessary.
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